How to Plan a School Trip to Fun City Chandigarh: A Teacher’s Guide
School trips help students explore other things outside their textbooks. These Trips also bring a great sense of learning to students, don’t they? In our time, everyone at our school used to eagerly wait for the monthly trips to have lots of fun. We all may have more memories from outside the classroom than from the classroom lectures itself. At that time, teachers asked students to submit the name of the place they wanted to go. We used to ask our elders, unlike today’s teenagers, who have mobiles to search for a “fun city near me” at just a tap. Coming back to the topic, it is very important to plan a trip with proper preparation as it may seem difficult to handle the large chunk of school lads. In this blog, we will have a look at how to plan a successful school trip for your school munchkins and teens.
How to Plan a Successful School Trip?
Planning a successful school trip requires a great deal of planning for all contingencies. This section details the planning steps that are most critical in school trip planning. Fulfilling all these steps will surely make your trip a memorable experience for you and your students; so let’s Begin!
Step1: Decide the Location and Focus of the Trip
First of all, decide on the location where you want to take your students. The focus of the trip may work as a guide for you. You may want it to be some educational trip like going to a historical place or you just want to take your students to the fun city for endless fun exploring modern activities. So, keep trip focus as the baseline to set the venue for your trip. During the selection, also discuss with the owners of the respective sites on packages and facilities.
Nowadays, this job has been made easy by Google. If you want to search for a fun city near you you can accordingly search the same on the google map. Read more here about best places to visit in Chandigarh: adventure & entertainment.
Step2: Approval of the School Officials
After deciding on the location where you want to take your class students, next, get permission from the school’s higher authority to approve the trip. Discuss with them the focus of the trip with the detailed itinerary for better understanding. Once they come on the same page jump onto the next step.
Step3: Sent Out Permission Form
Once the School Administration is admitted with the School trip location. Then sent out the permission form to the student’s parents to seek their permission as well.
Step4: Stick to the Budget
While deciding and selecting the venue for the school trip make sure the budget remains convenient to the students. You must try to keep the budget as much as it looks convincing to the parents and the school staff.
Step5: Make Bookings
Book the venue as early as possible this will help you get the desired venue. Moreover, when you book the venue you are also required to interact with the respective authority to talk about every requirement and to clear every doubt you may have regarding the fun city or other venue you are going to book.
Step6: Arrange Transportation
More often, School trips commute through their school bus but when you need to go out of the town then you will have to manage the transportation for the trip. Like if it requires booking a train or the bus for an out of city trip.
Step7: Arrange Supervision
School trips will have lots of students to tackle and obviously, this is not the work of a single person. In this case, you also have to arrange a few other staff to be with you during the trip to guide students through it. It may include teachers, helping staff, etc.
Step8: Risk Assessment
Plan Safety and emergencies by creating a detailed risk management plan. Your school may already have safety plans for students. Additionally, you must include information like the contact information of each of the participating students, first aid and other medical needs, and contingency plans.
Step9: Engage Students
Children have a very short span of attention. So you must make the trip chart in a scheduled way so that nobody gets bored at any point of time in the trip. For instance, you can engage students with puzzle activities while they travel by bus and so on.
Final Step: Enjoy the Trip
Once all the steps mentioned above are successfully managed, in the end, enjoy your planned trip with the students. Equally, you must be aware of the fact that you have to manage a large chunk of students till the time they are with you on the trip. Communicate effectively with the other supervisors and the students to make it a better experience for all. read more here about how go karting improves focus & reflexes.
Fun City in Chandigarh – HopUp India
If your School lies in Chandigarh or any suburbs of the Tricity, you can plan a trip to a fun city near you at HopUp Chandigarh. We have dedicated packages for your school trips with full-fledged itineraries including Games, Lunch, and High Tea. Moreover we also come up with frequent discounts you can visit our website to know about them.
Package 1 @ ₹999
Games |
Lunch |
High Tea |
Package 1 @ ₹1199
Games |
Lunch |
High Tea |
Package 1 @ ₹1399
Games |
Lunch |
High Tea |